National Conferences

FBLA-PBL offers national meetings that promote leadership development. FBLA-PBL conferences are a great place to reach our audience face-to-face.

National Fall Leadership Conferences (NFLCs)
Students and advisers participate in motivational general sessions and professional development and career planning workshops. For many FBLA-PBL members, the NFLCs are a convenient and affordable way to experience much of the education and excitement of an NLC.

Nov. 9-10
Denver, Co

National Leadership Conference (NLC)
FBLA-PBL members have the competitive edge, as the best and brightest of FBLA and PBL convene to compete in leadership events, share their successes, and learn new ideas about shaping their career future through workshops and exhibits. This four-day conference is considered the pinnacle of the FBLA-PBL experience, especially for those running for national office. FBLA-PBL has forged partnerships with industry leaders to underwrite competitive events and scholarships for students achieving national ranking.

Institute for Leaders (IFL)

Held in conjunction with the National Leadership Conference, this high-energy, intensive, two-day seminar is a focused-leadership experience for state and local chapter officers, as well as members and advisers. This training conference prepares student leaders and members to assume their elected responsibilities and develop valuable life skills.